“Spin-out” for us means to set up a new independent company based on a marketable ideas in cooperation with a local business partner.

Our unique partner model and development process differentiates us clearly from traditional start-ups as our approach considers the most important factors for a successful company right from the beginning:



We build professional teams to development ideas into viable business cases and the subsequent establishment of spin-outs.

The right composition of a heterogeneous and goal-oriented team of founders forms a stable foundation for the successful implementation of ideas on the market.


We identify the market potential of an idea based on market-relevant performance factors and benchmarks. Our ideas due diligence process examines the technical and economic feasibility of any submitted idea. With this process, we provide our project partners ideas with high market potential, minimize the risk, and secure a successful implementation.


By cooperation with universities and research institutions and the involvement of industry-relevant experts we ensure access to information and know-how. In this way, we are able to select the most promising ideas and innovations and can ensure their efficient implementation.


We also see the active approach to and conscious integration of an industry-relevant partner company as a key factor for project development and economic success. In this way, we reduce the technical and economic risk and at the same time increase the chances of success of new spin-outs on the market.

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You have an idea?

We check and evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of your idea.

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